Your online account
information should also be treated as “Digital Assets” that need to be
protected. It is recommended for you to create a master list of online
accounts and passwords and store it in a secure location, using the form
Download our Credit Card & Personal Information Form.
Keep the form in a safe place (not in your purse or wallet). This will
ensure the information you need is readily available in the event of a
breach, enabling you to swiftly take the appropriate action.
Click for some helpful tips
Things to do before losing your wallet
- Fill out our Credit Card & Personal Information Form and
keep it in a safe place (not in your wallet).
- Put away some backup cash where you can access it if you’re stranded
without your ATM card.
- Put your social security card in a secure place (not in your
- Remove any information associated with your PIN numbers
or passwords.
Things to do after you lose your wallet
- Take action quickly.
- Call your bank immediately and report that your ATM/Debit card
has been stolen; after two business days your liability will increase.
- Call your credit card companies. Try to tell them where, when,
and the amount of your last charge.
- Get your license replaced as soon as possible.
- File a police report in the jurisdiction where your credit card
was stolen.
- Call the credit reporting agencies. If you haven’t already put
the free 90-day fraud alert on your file, now is the time!
- Equifax
1-800-525-6285; Experian 1-888-397-3742; TransUnion 1-800-680-7289.